A half a century ago . . .

Our Class of 1973 graduated from Benson High School!

Let’s get together to celebrate!

12:00 a.m.

Golf & informal gathering for non-golfers at Benson Golf Club

Tee times reserved around noon (cost paid by golfer)

7:00 p.m.

Informal social time at McKinney’s on Southside in Benson

Saturday, August 5, 2023

10:00 a.m.

Tour of new construction/upgrades at Benson High School (meet in BHS parking lot)

11:30 a.m.

 Benson Area Hayride Style Tour (cancelled in cases of rain)   

5:00 p.m.

Casual dinner gathering at Track Bar & Grill with buffet dinner

$20 per person; includes buffet dinner, tax & tip, and all other reunion costs

There is no charge for the Friday informal gatherings. A cash bar will be available at both. The Saturday tours of Benson High School and the Benson Area are free (the driver does accept tips). A limited number of seats are available for the Benson Area tour, so please RSVP as soon as possible if you want to participate. If you are attending the Saturday evening event, please send your payment with your RSVP by FRIDAY, JUNE 16th for our catering head count.

A booklet including information shared by classmates will be available at the reunion. Your contact information and your brief update will be included in the booklet if you return it by the deadline. Even if you cannot attend the reunion, we would like to include your contact information and brief update, so please return it by June 16th.

Information about lodging in the area is listed on the back of this invitation. If you are on Facebook and are not yet in our BHS Class of 1973 Facebook group, please search for the group using “Benson, MN Class of ‘73” and join! We will continue to use that Facebook group and e-mails to give you any further information and updates (it’s free and quick). If you do not have either e-mail or Facebook, we will get updates to you via text or mail.

Please complete the RSVP form either online at https://class73.geosocmn.org or mail it to:

Beth Luikart
5710 N Shore Drive
Duluth, MN 55804

If you are paying by check, make the check payable to Pat Tengwall and mail to Beth at the above address. You can also pay by Venmo by making a payment to Pat at “@patengwall” by FRIDAY, JUNE 16th. Feel free to contact any of the Class of 1973 Reunion Committee members if you have questions. We hope you can join our class in August for our 50th reunion!

Class of 1973 Reunion Committee:

Rob Anfinson (robanfinson@gmail.com)

Beth Edman Luikart (bluikart@outlook.com)

Mary Jo Hilleren Forbord (forbordmj2@gmail.com)

Allen Saunders (ajsaunders55@gmail.com)

Ann O’Leary Krueger (garyandann@charter.net

Alan Smith (smith213@umn.edu)

Deb Loy (debloy@gmail.com)

Pat Orr Tengwall (patengwall@gmail.com)

Barb Peterson Zachman (zachmanbarb@gmail.com)

Alan Smith has created a Class of 1973 website with information, images, and memories of past reunions and
our days at Benson High School. If anyone has photos and/or memories to share, his website makes it easy
to upload these to add to the collection.

Information about the upcoming class reunion and an online RSVP form are linked from tabs on the website’s
home page.

Lodging In and Around Benson

Please make reservations as soon as possible if you need a place to stay in Benson. The Jim Mills Memorial Golf Tournament will be held on that Saturday, and we expect hotel rooms to be booked quickly. Options for hotels/lodging:

  • Country Inn Benson (attached to McKinney’s), http://countryinn-benson.com, 320-843-4395
  • NOTE: A block of 23 rooms under “BHS Class of 73” has been reserved. Standard rooms start at $121/night, there are a few king rooms at $150/night, and ask for a senior, military, or AARP 10% discount. Please reserve your room soon. They will open these rooms to the public about a month before our event
  • Lakes Area Inn, Starbuck, MN, lakesareainn.com, 320-239-4300
  • Ambush Park Campground, www.bensonmn.org/parkreservation
  • Outdoors Inn Campground (on the river by the bowling alley), outdoorsinncampground.com, 320-314-2301
  • Rooms are also available at various hotels in Willmar.

Chuck Holmquist speaking at the commencement
Sitting in the sun
Going home in the winter
Class 73 20th reunion
Class of 73 40th class reunion
Class of 73 40th class reunion
Class of 73 30th class reunion
Class of 73 30th class reunion
Class of 73 35th class reunion
Class of 73 35th class reunion
Class of 73 30th class reunion
Class of 73 30th class reunion